About the Team

Kyree - I like video games. I've been playing them since I was about 7 or so. I have fond memories of the first Playstation and Spyro the Dragon (even though I just ran around headbutting people). I've owned an NES, Genesis, Gamecube and I still have my first Playstation 2. Anyway time-skip to now and I play on the Xbox 360 (my second one) and play it often (L4D2 much).

Favorite Games: Kingdom Hearts Series ,Okami, Left 4 Dead 2, Assassin's Creed Series...uhhhh Oh yeah, Super Smash Bros. Melee (Roy!). Oh and Alan Wake as of June 26th, 2010

Mike-san - (Sure hopes Kyree likes video games. I mean, we kind of do commentaries on them and whatnot…)

The Abridged Version:

A long time ago, in the tsunami-stricken seas of the Pacific Ocean two prophesized children were stranded together in a standard-shipment FedEx box. The two children were squeezed together amidst a raging storm, huddling for cover as wave after wave thrashed the box against the relentless sea. But the storm was unforgiving, and thus one of these children was cast out into the sea. The child still within the box would become known as the Gorillaz’s Noodle. The other child’s spirit carried on in the half-breed that would become known as Mike-san…

The boy grew up with the knowledge of video games, tested time and time again by final bosses of infinite power. Given his first official video game at the ripening age of eight, Mike-san first battled teenage angst and youthful rebellion with Pokemon, where he sacrificed blood and tears to bring down the organizations known as Team Rocket and the Elite Four. The art of the video game expanded for Mike-san, as he was gifted with the elder scrolls of the Sega Genesis, Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy Color, all three Playstation consoles, Nintendo’s Gamecube and Wii, the Xbox 360, and the DS. Mastering all but one of these arts, the young man conquered hordes of zombies, slaying thousands of soldiers that stood in his way through blade and bullet. He was the first to charge into battle against the enemy offensive with controller in hand and strategy guide in the other. His victories would be countless. And then…

He was stripped of his honors. And he was a changed man.

But Mike-san returned to battle, flesh and blood stinging with the ache of loss. The boy realized that his last discipline, the art of the 360 would need strengthening before he was to call himself a true gamer. Though the eastern world beckoned to him, Mike-san returned to gaming once more, to review the best and worst with him and his blood brother’s commentary. Once more he would charge into battle. Once more he would be beckoned into the world of video games. 

Favorite Games: Pokemon (All versions except for the Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald series), The Mass Effect series, the Knights of the Old Republic series, the Dynasty Warrior series, The Mario Kart series, Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters In Space, Left For Dead 2, City of Heroes/Champions Online, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Super Mario Brothers, the Super Smash Brothers series.The Sims 2 (All Expansions)

Mark - (Yeah...after THAT big story, I'm gonna TRY and keep it short) 

What's up world? How ya feelin? Not much to say much about me cause my interests are somewhat similar to the two above. Only I feel I've had a broader mind to games. I've played video games since I've been 5 when I got the Nintendo 64 for Christmas with Super Mario 64. Since then, I've loved everything Nintendo. I have all the Nintendo handhelds (excluding the Virtua Boy, but can you really call it a handheld?), the Gamecube (which I traded in but is being relived through my Wii), and even found my old Super NES (AND still works!! YAY!). Though I have mad love for Nintendo, I do own the Playstation 1 & 2 (with my PS2 somehow outliving my PS1) and have an Xbox 360 (but sadly isn't working at the moment). Oddly enough, besides the Gamecube, I STILL have all of my old consoles and STILL play them from time to time.

Favorite games: Similar to what the other two mentioned (Super Smash Bros. series, Left 4 Dead 2, Kingdom Hearts series, Mass Effect series) but my ALL-TIME favorite goes to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. And because of that, I like the GTA series, the Super Mario series (of course, WHATCHA EXPECT?) and Rachet and Clank : Up Your Arselnal (the first one I played and REALLY liked out of the entire series). Last thing: "DEATH TO THE SQUISHIES!" - Dr. Nefarious aka BEST VILLAIN EVER!


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