Thursday, October 28, 2010

Where do you rank?

We’ve all seen them, not all of us have participated in them, but we know what they’re meant for: those lists of ‘x’ amount of things where the author tells you to grab a pen and take note of how many things on that list that you can relate to. Then after you’ve gone through the entire list, you count how many you matched and you’re given a title, or a rank.

Well, guess what I’m gonna do?

This is more of an experiment than anything, so bear with me as I list out twenty-three things (with no particular theme or order) that all, or most of us, have probably done related to video games.
So put 10-15 mins to the side for this and grab a pen/pencil; it’s time to see how into this culture you really are.  

I like to call this: “Have you ever…?”

•    Stopped playing a game out of fear?

•    Recorded yourself gaming?

•    Bought a console for one game?

•    Bought a game on impulse?

•    Had a dream about a game?

•    Rage quit?

•    Broken a controller or tv?

•    RROD (Red Ring of Death)?

•    Erase a save by accident?

•    Borrowed a game and never given it back?

•    Given someone a game and never gotten it back?

•    Wish you bought a different system?

•    Played your Wii in the last six months?

•    Jumped through the door(s) instead of walking through them in any Mega Man game?

•    Saved frequently (every 5 mins or so) in RPGs?

•    Caught all 150(1) Pokémon?

•    Argued over a game or about games in general?

•    Refused to play certain games with certain people?

•    Played E.T?

•    Sold on console just to buy another?

•    Become addicted to a game?

•    Gone for a headshot instead of a simple kill?

•    Grenade spammed?

How many do you have? Are you awesome or a chump?

Ranks are as follows:

1 – 6: F.N.G

7 – 12: Casual

13 – 18: Semi-Pro

19 – 23: Hardcore

Thanks for taking part in this Beta, but there are no achievements for this. My bad.


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